Location: Iowa, United States

61 years old (pretty old for a blogger) proud to be a grandpa

Thursday, December 15, 2005

This just in...

Continuing its no-nonsense campaign against lighting up, the California Legislature voted today to make cigarette smoking a capital offense. While the law waits for the governor’s signature, which is seen as imminent, anti-tobacco spokespeople around the state, expressed their relief at the tough new law. “Why shouldn’t smokers be put to death?” pondered one grateful citizen. “After all, haven’t they’ve been killing us for decades?” For many the new law couldn’t come soon enough as California’s social and political spokespeople have become increasingly outspoken about the evils of tobacco. One California legislator was quoted as saying, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s been genocide--it’s that simple.” However, some militant activists think the new law does not go far enough. A more radical bill that would have called for smokers to be “shot on sight,” was only narrowly voted down in the California senate. Some lawmakers are blaming its defeat on the powerful tobacco lobby. In related news, scientists at the University of California at Berkeley recently released new research that links smoking to ingrown toenails, avalanches, bat salivary gland fever, the murder of Rasputin, and the continued popularity of Jerry Lewis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

unca, came by your blog via bryan...
also, thanks for opening it up to non-bloggers. now if only blogball were to do the same -- he still has the "elitist" attitude.

it must be true that smokers are the reason for everything foul. :-! (i think this is supposed to be a smoker face)

7:21 PM  
Blogger Blogball said...

This is pretty funny Unca I didn’t see a + next to the title so I assume this is your work.

I do like most of the new smoking regulations that have been established here in CA especially for restaurants and airplanes.
However I do think it’s a little ridiculous that they are thinking about not allowing smoking on some beaches. I mean with all that sand around it’s like you are laying around on one big ashtray anyway.
When I am with somebody that is a smoker I do feel a little sorry for him or her. It’s like they are the new lepers of our society.

si, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t letting the non bloggers in.
However it is kind of cool to be an elitist.

“Hereye, hereye” I have now opened up the No Agenda Zone to the peasants “Let them eat cake and blog”
I guess my 5 minutes of elitist fame is up

(Thanks for the heads up si)

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogball: good of you to let the "little people" in to your site. however, i should have given credit to cal on jay are's blog regarding the elitist stance on non-bloggers. he's the one that first noted the "discriminatory issue" to unca...

now you'll have to update your blog!

unca: thanks for allowing this forum of discussion -- see what happens when you let just anybody in??

12:06 PM  
Blogger unca said...

Wow, I'm starting to regret it already! :)

12:10 PM  

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