Warning--this post may be offensive to members of the female gender (and other people, too)
This seems to happen a lot. I go into a crowded public restroom and take my place against the wall. Then the guy next to me, either before he starts or after he finishes -- spits a large stream of saliva into the urinal. Now I don’t know very many guys who make a habit of spitting under any circumstances. You don’t see too many guys spitting these days when they’re in their yard or taking a hike or even out in the middle of the ocean. So why this compulsion to spit when they’re confronted with a urinal? Do they think they’re getting away with something? Is this somehow macho? Have they suddenly taken an interest in the color and viscosity of their sputum? This has happened too many times to be a coincidence. And so I ask you -- am I alone in this observation? Has this happened to you? Do you have any rationale explanation? Youth wants to know!